Corrie Foreman is an India/UK based handpoke tattoo artist and illustrator. Corrie’s work defies not only the pre-concieved and schooled notion of the canvas that our skin is, but also the prejudice and external control applied to our own bodies by the outside world. Through her work, she, and the tattooed person go through the discomfort together, thereby exploring the destruction of the old and the transformation into the new. Change.


In our own ways, Corrie and I grew up and evolved as artists while being at the receiving end of these constructs, and also snaking our way around them to try and find our own voice. This collection brings two sensibilities together: Clothes made and designed by LaneFortyfive, and Corrie’s illustrations and designs travelling through a needle of a different kind, via threads, onto earthy fabrics.


Sustainably hand-made, hand-emroidered, and made to order only, the lead time for the pieces from this collection is 4 weeks.

C o r r i e   F o r e m a n   +   L a n e F o r t y f i v e

C o r r i e   F o r e m a n   +   L a n e F o r t y f i v e